Eastern Christianity in Its Texts For Discount

I. Formation of identity Topics: Christianity becomes recorded. Dialectics of openness and closedness. Judaeo-Christianity. Differentiation from Judaism. From hating to embracing the Roman-Greek world. Fighting first heresies (Marcion, Gnostics). Evolution of identity. Rise and decline of ecclesial self-awareness. Authors: Tatian, Apocalyptic literature (Hyppolytus), Epistle of Barnabas, Epistle to Diognetus, Hermas, Didache, Justin, Origen, Irenaeus, Eusebius (Constantinian millennialism). II. Christian Antiquity Topics: Arianism – the prototype of heresies. Christological debates. Early scholasticism. Christian Neoplatonism. Symphony. Oriental theology. Authors: Athanasius, Basil of Caesarea, Gregory of Nazianzus, Gregory of Nyssa, Apollynaris, Cyril of Alexandria, Leontius, Maximus, Ps-Dionysius, Justinian (preamble to 6th novella), Ephrem of Nisibis, Isaac of Nineveh. III. Middle Ages Topics: Theological summae. Polymathy. Rediscovering Plato. Seeing the Light. Making Orthodoxy a confession. Authors: John of Damascus, Photius, John Italus, Michael Psellus, Grigor Narekatsi, Symeon the New Theologian, Gregory Palamas, Mark Evgenicus, Gennadius Scholarius. IV. Modernity Topics: Further confessionalisation of Orthodoxy. Kollybadic movement. First culture wars. Rise of nationalism. Lay theology. Academic theology. Authors: Cyril Loukaris, Peter Mohyla, Athanasius of Paros, Nicodeme the Hagiorite, Pa?isiy Velichkovsky, Sincere Tales of a Piligrim to his Spiritual Father, Amvrosiy of Optina, Aleksey Khomyakov, Philaret of Moscow. V. Twentieth century Topics: Religious renaissance. Neopatristic synthesis. Globalization of theology. Authors: John Zizioulas, Vladimir Solovyov, Sergey Bulgakov, Georges Florovsky, Vladimir Lossky, Dumitru Staniloae, John Meyendorff, Alexander Schmemann, Anthony Bloom, Olivier Clement, Kallistos Ware. Bibliography Index —
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